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Navigating the dashboard

Let us guide you through different dashboard reports

Malgorzata Pietruszka avatar
Written by Malgorzata Pietruszka
Updated over a week ago

The dashboard is the first section you land on after logging in to the Match2One platform, and there's no coincidence in that. It provides you a complete overview of all of your campaigns in a form of well-thought detailed reports of different types that together will give you a big picture of all of your campaigns' performance.


View and filter all of your campaigns by their channel (ad format), model, optimisation type, and status using campaign filters. The date picker to the right adjusts reporting so that you can see what happened over that date range. By default, we report on the last 30 days.

Reports categories

In our new platform, we have grouped all our dashboard reports into 5 different categories:

  1. Overview

  2. Ad Performance

  3. Ad Placement

  4. Conversion Details

  5. Audiences


In the 'Overview' category, you'll get to see how selected metrics have been changing for filtered campaigns over time in the visual graph that we call 'Supergraph'.

The 'Performance' report is a mixture of key performance metrics presented as quick stats and a detailed day-by-day report where you'll see the data for your campaign(s) broken into days. Next to each date, you'll see an open padlock in green color or a closed padlock in grey color, which indicates open or closed attribution window accordingly. This means that until the attribution window (7 days for post-view and 30 days for post-click conversions) is open, values that we report back on, like Conversions, CPA, Revenue, and ROAS, can change over time.

The 'Campaigns' report collects data on all filtered campaigns, so you can easily compare and check which campaigns have been performing the best. Clicking on a specific campaign's name will redirect you to the 'Detailed Campaign Report', where you'll see data only for this campaign.

Ad Performance

In the 'Ad Performance' category, you'll see how creatives performed for filtered campaigns. This includes Impressions, Clicks, Conversions, CPA, CTR, CTC, ITC, Spend, Revenue (sum of order values generated by a single ad through conversions), and ROAS (calculated for each creative separately).

You can download the 'Ad Performance' report and sort creatives by all KPIs.

Ad Placement

The 'Ad Placement' category gathers together information on the 'Top Publishers', and the 'Publishers website performance'. Each of them reflects the data specific to publishers who serve your ads.

Conversion Details

This category is all about conversions. In the 'Time to Conversion', you'll find out how long it usually takes for conversions to happen and check your average time to conversion, both for post-view and post-click conversions.

'Trends' graph and 'Conversions by date' graph are both presenting conversions, but on a different basis - the first one is showing attributed conversions for a specific day over time (these may change in time as long as the attribution window is open), and the second is showing conversions over time based on the 'Conversion time', so the time that conversion has happened.

The 'Conversion Details' report has been equipped with the standard information on your conversions (Creative, Publisher, User Location, TTC, Display Time, Click Time, Conversion Time, Order Value, Conversion Type, and Campaign), but also Order Value in USDs - if you are using a currency different than USD, we'll convert your order value to American Dollars using the currency exchange rate for the day the conversion happened.

If you have trouble finding a report of interest, reach out to the Customer Success Team. They will be happy to help!

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