The Reporting API offers reporting data. It represents existing reports in the Match2One app and custom reports that are not represented in the UI.
This is a read-only service. POST requests to retrieve data do not modify anything.
Each report provides its own metrics and filtering parameters.
Use the following API to retrieve the session token:
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Description |
POST | Creates session token |
Request JSON fields:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
Yes | String | User’s login | |
password | Yes | String | User’s password |
Response JSON fields:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
token | Yes | String | Bearer session token |
Error response JSON fields:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
code | Yes | String | Error code |
statusCode | Yes | Int | HTTP Response status code |
description | Yes | String | Detailed error description |
Possible errors:
statusCode | code | Description |
400 | VALIDATION_FAILED | requirement failed: Email must contain valid e-mail address |
401 | UNAUTHORIZED | Incorrect email [email] or password |
401 | USER_PASSWORD_HAS_EXPIRED | User [ID=] password has expired |
401 | NOT_ACTIVE_USER_EMAIL | Inactive user [email] |
401 | INACTIVE_COMPANY | Inactive company [ID=] |
500 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Internal Server Error |
$ cat auth
"email": "",
"password": "abc123def456"
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @auth
"token": "Bearer 97724164-ca2a-4405-b601-383f21df7162"
The token needs to be provided in the “Authorization” header.
REST API for viewing available reports
To retrieve the list of available reports, use the following API:
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Retrieve the list of available reports |
Request parameters:
Name | Required | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description |
Authorization | Yes | header | String | Bearer session token |
The method returns the list of objects:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
code | Yes | String | The report identifier |
version | Yes | Integer | Current version of the report |
name | Yes | String | The name of the report |
description | No | String | Detailed description of the report |
Possible errors:
statusCode | code | Description |
400 | DECODING_FAILED | Value decoding error |
401 | AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | The supplied authentication is invalid |
403 | AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | No permissions to access this resource |
500 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Internal Server Error |
❯ curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 97724164-ca2a-4405-b601-383f21df7162' ''
"code": "daily",
"name": "Daily Performance",
"version": 1621
REST API for reports metadata
There are two layers of data in the Reporting API: metadata and actual data. The metadata lists available reporting parameters, columns, and their types.
To retrieve actual report data, you will need a JSON-formatted request. Parameters can filter requested data. Global search is available for columns with “globalSearchEnabled”. The result can be sorted by all columns with the “sortable” option enabled.
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | Retrieve the list of available reports |
Request parameters:
Name | Required | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description |
Authorization | Yes | header | String | Bearer session token |
reportCode | Yes | path | String | The code (identifier) of the report |
version | No | query | Integer | Report version |
Response body:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
code | Yes | String | The report identifier |
version | Yes | Integer | Current report version |
name | Yes | String | Report name |
description | No | String | Detailed description |
defaultSortFieldName | No | String | The column used to sort the resulting set by default |
defaultSortAsc | No | Boolean | Sort results in ascending order |
pageSize | Yes | Integer | The default page size |
columns | Yes | Array<ReportColumn> | The list of columns available |
parameters | Yes | Array<ReportParameter> | The list of parameters available |
ReportColumn JSON object fields:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
fieldName | Yes | String | The name of the column |
dataType | Yes | Enum | Allowable values:
description | No | String | Detailed description of the column |
nullable | Yes | Boolean | if `true` the field may be missing in the actual data recordset |
sortable | Yes | Boolean | if `true` the field can be used to sort by |
globalSearchEnabled | Yes | Boolean | If `true` field is included in the global search |
enumValues | No | Array<String> | The list of allowable values in case of enum data type |
ReportParameter JSON object fields:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
key | Yes | String | Parameter identifier |
dataType | Yes | Enum | Allowable values:
description | No | String | Detailed description of the parameter |
availableConditions | Yes | Array<Enum> | Allowable values:
required | Yes | Boolean | if `yes` needs to be provided in the request object |
enumValues | No | Array<String> | The list of allowable values in case of enum data type |
Possible errors:
statusCode | code | Description |
400 | DECODING_FAILED | Value decoding error |
401 | AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | The supplied authentication is invalid |
403 | AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | No permissions to access this resource |
500 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Internal Server Error |
curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 97724164-ca2a-4405-b601-383f21df7162' ''
"code": “daily”,
"name": "Daily Performance",
"defaultSortFieldName": "date",
"defaultSortAsc": true,
“pageSize": 100,
"version": 1621,
"columns": [
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "post_view_revenue",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "integer",
"fieldName": "post_click_convs",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "avg_revenue",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": true,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "post_click_revenue",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "post_view_roas",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "integer",
"fieldName": "impressions",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "date",
"fieldName": "date",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "integer",
"fieldName": "post_view_convs",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "cpc",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "integer",
"fieldName": "clicks",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "ctr",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "cpm",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"sortable": true
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "post_click_roas",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "cpa",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"dataType": "float",
"fieldName": "media_costs",
"globalSearchEnabled": false,
"nullable": false,
"sortable": true
"parameters": [
"availableConditions": [
"dataType": "string",
"key": "account_id",
"required": false
"availableConditions": [
"dataType": "date",
"key": "start_date",
"required": true
REST API for Data Retrieval (JSON)
The Reporting API enforces rate limits of 5–10 requests per minute per user. Exceeding this limit will result in a 429 HTTP response with the error code TOO_MANY_REQUESTS.
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Description |
POST | Retrieve actual data in JSON format |
Request parameters:
Name | Required | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description |
Authorization | Yes | header | String | Bearer session token |
reportCode | Yes | path | String | The code (identifier) of the report |
version | No | query | Integer | Report version |
Request body:
Field | Required | Data Type | Default | Description |
parameters | Yes | Array<ExecuteReportParameter> |
| The list of filters (parameters) |
offset | No | Integer | 0 | The number of rows to skip |
limit | No | Integer | metadata.pageSize | The maximum number of rows in the recordset |
sortBy | No | String | metadata.defaultSortFieldName | Any ReportColumn.fieldName with `sortable` enabled. |
sortAsc | No | Boolean | metadata.defaultSortAsc | Sorting direction |
search | No | String |
| The string will apply to all columns with `globalSearchEnabled` |
zoneId | No | Timezone | Timezone defined on a company level | The timezone in which the data will be reported. For a list of possible timezones, see “Reporting Timezones” section. |
ExecuteReportParameter JSON object fields:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
key | Yes | String | The report parameter identifier |
condition | Yes | Enum | Allowable values:
value | No | Number | String | Boolean | Array<Number> | Array<String> | Array<Boolean> | Some conditions do not require values (“is_null”, “is_not_null”), “between” requires two values, “in”, “ni” any number of values. “date” and “date_time” types need to be represented as a string in ISO-8601 format ( |
Response body:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
offset | Yes | Integer | The number of rows skipped |
size | Yes | Integer | The number of rows in the recordset |
totalCount | No | Integer | The total number of rows |
data | Yes | Array<ReportRow> | ReportRow type constructs from the columns in the metadata |
Possible errors:
statusCode | code | Description |
400 | DECODING_FAILED | Value decoding error |
400 | VALIDATION_FAILED | Detailed validation error description |
401 | AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | The supplied authentication is invalid |
403 | AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | No permissions to access this resource |
429 | TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | The API permits 5–10 requests per minute per user. Exceeding this limit triggers the following error. |
500 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Internal Server Error |
$ cat request
"parameters": [
"key": "start_date",
"condition": "ge",
"value": "2024-01-13"
"key": "account_id",
"value": "CO-KTSWABCD",
"condition": "eq"
"zoneId": "CET"
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' —H 'Authorization: Bearer 97724164-ca2a-4405-b601-383f21df7162' -d request ‘'
"offset": 0,
"size": 5,
"totalCount": 5,
"data": [
"date": "2024-01-13",
"impressions": 322681,
"clicks": 308,
"post_click_convs": 3,
"post_view_convs": 55,
"media_costs": 1785.79578,
"cpm": 5.53425,
"cpc": 5.79804,
"cpa": 30.78958,
"ctr": 0.00095,
"post_click_revenue": 3.0,
"post_view_revenue": 7101.182,
"post_click_roas": 0.00168,
"post_view_roas": 3.97648,
"avg_revenue": 134.04117
"date": "2024-01-14",
"impressions": 322717,
"clicks": 267,
"post_click_convs": 3,
"post_view_convs": 40,
"media_costs": 1775.70278,
"cpm": 5.50235,
"cpc": 6.65057,
"cpa": 41.29541,
"ctr": 0.00083,
"post_click_revenue": 3.0,
"post_view_revenue": 15679.59564,
"post_click_roas": 0.00169,
"post_view_roas": 8.83008,
"avg_revenue": 490.08111
"date": "2024-01-15",
"impressions": 333235,
"clicks": 262,
"post_click_convs": 2,
"post_view_convs": 25,
"media_costs": 1820.00403,
"cpm": 5.46162,
"cpc": 6.94658,
"cpa": 67.40756,
"ctr": 0.00079,
"post_click_revenue": 33.364,
"post_view_revenue": 8024.43867,
"post_click_roas": 0.01833,
"post_view_roas": 4.40902,
"avg_revenue": 402.89013
"date": "2024-01-16",
"impressions": 322705,
"clicks": 265,
"post_click_convs": 1,
"post_view_convs": 14,
"media_costs": 1757.99015,
"cpm": 5.44767,
"cpc": 6.63393,
"cpa": 117.19934,
"ctr": 0.00082,
"post_click_revenue": 88.0,
"post_view_revenue": 138.71798,
"post_click_roas": 0.05006,
"post_view_roas": 0.07891,
"avg_revenue": 17.43984
"date": "2024-01-17",
"impressions": 97803,
"clicks": 98,
"post_click_convs": 0,
"post_view_convs": 2,
"media_costs": 616.46044,
"cpm": 6.30308,
"cpc": 6.29041,
"cpa": 308.23022,
"ctr": 0.001,
"post_click_revenue": 0,
"post_view_revenue": 1458.054,
"post_click_roas": 0,
"post_view_roas": 2.3652,
"avg_revenue": 1458.054
Error response example (start_date value is in incorrect format):
$ cat request
"parameters": [
"key": "start_date",
"condition": "ge",
"value": "2024-01-134"
"zoneId": "CET"
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' —H 'Authorization: Bearer 97724164-ca2a-4405-b601-383f21df7162' -d request ‘'
"statusCode": 400,
"description": "requirement failed: [mandatory parameters are missing, [Keys={client_id}]; invalid date value format, parameter [Key=start_date]]",
"values": {}
REST API for Data Retrieval (CSV)
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Description |
POST | Retrieve actual data in CSV format |
Request parameters:
Name | Required | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description |
Authorization | Yes | header | String | Bearer session token |
reportCode | Yes | path | String | The code (identifier) of the report |
version | No | query | Integer | Report version |
Request body:
Field | Required | Data Type | Default | Description |
parameters | Yes | Array<ExecuteReportParameter> |
| The list of filters (parameters) |
sortBy | No | String | metadata.defaultSortFieldName | Any ReportColumn.fieldName with `sortable` enabled. |
sortAsc | No | Boolean | metadata.defaultSortAsc | Sorting direction |
search | No | String |
| The string will apply to all columns with `globalSearchEnabled` |
zoneId | No | Timezone | Timezone defined on a company level | The name of timezone in which the data will be reported. For a list of possible timezones, see “Reporting Timezones” section. |
ExecuteReportParameter JSON object fields:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
key | Yes | String | The report parameter identifier |
condition | Yes | Enum | Allowable values:
value | No | Number | String | Boolean | Array<Number> | Array<String> | Array<Boolean> | Some conditions do not require values (“is_null”, “is_not_null”), “between” requires two values, “in”, “ni” any number of values. “date” and “date_time” types need to be represented as a string in ISO-8601 format ( |
CSV representation of ReportRow dataset.
Possible errors:
statusCode | code | Description |
400 | DECODING_FAILED | Value decoding error |
400 | VALIDATION_FAILED | Detailed validation error description |
401 | AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | The supplied authentication is invalid |
403 | AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | No permissions to access this resource |
429 | TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | The API permits 5–10 requests per minute per user. Exceeding this limit triggers the following error. |
500 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Internal Server Error |
$ cat request
"parameters": [
"key": "start_date",
"condition": "ge",
"value": "2024-01-13"
"key": "account_id",
"value": "CO-KTSWABCD",
"condition": "eq"
"zoneId": "CET"
Reporting Timezones
Name | Offset (minutes) | Description |
Pacific/Niue | -660 | (GMT-11:00) Niue Time |
Pacific/Pago_Pago | -660 | (GMT-11:00) Samoa Standard Time |
Pacific/Rarotonga | -600 | (GMT-10:00) Cook Islands Standard Time |
Pacific/Honolulu | -600 | (GMT-10:00) Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time |
America/Adak | -600 | (GMT-10:00) Hawaii-Aleutian Time |
Pacific/Tahiti | -600 | (GMT-10:00) Tahiti Time |
Pacific/Marquesas | -570 | (GMT-09:30) Marquesas Time |
America/Anchorage | -540 | (GMT-09:00) Alaska Time - Anchorage |
America/Juneau | -540 | (GMT-09:00) Alaska Time - Juneau |
America/Metlakatla | -540 | (GMT-09:00) Alaska Time - Metlakatla |
America/Nome | -540 | (GMT-09:00) Alaska Time - Nome |
America/Sitka | -540 | (GMT-09:00) Alaska Time - Sitka |
America/Yakutat | -540 | (GMT-09:00) Alaska Time - Yakutat |
Pacific/Gambier | -540 | (GMT-09:00) Gambier Time |
America/Los_Angeles | -480 | (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time - Los Angeles |
America/Tijuana | -480 | (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time - Tijuana |
America/Vancouver | -480 | (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time - Vancouver |
Pacific/Pitcairn | -480 | (GMT-08:00) Pitcairn Time |
America/Hermosillo | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mexican Pacific Standard Time - Hermosillo |
America/Mazatlan | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mexican Pacific Standard Time - Mazatlan |
America/Dawson_Creek | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Standard Time - Dawson Creek |
America/Fort_Nelson | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Standard Time - Fort Nelson |
America/Phoenix | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Standard Time - Phoenix |
America/Boise | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time - Boise |
America/Cambridge_Bay | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time - Cambridge Bay |
America/Ciudad_Juarez | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time - Ciudad Juárez |
America/Denver | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time - Denver |
America/Edmonton | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time - Edmonton |
America/Yellowknife | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time - Edmonton |
America/Inuvik | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time - Inuvik |
America/Dawson | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Yukon Time - Dawson |
America/Whitehorse | -420 | (GMT-07:00) Yukon Time - Whitehorse |
America/Bahia_Banderas | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Bahía de Banderas |
America/Belize | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Belize |
America/Chihuahua | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Chihuahua |
America/Costa_Rica | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Costa Rica |
America/El_Salvador | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - El Salvador |
America/Guatemala | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Guatemala |
America/Managua | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Managua |
America/Merida | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Mérida |
America/Mexico_City | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Mexico City |
America/Monterrey | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Monterrey |
America/Regina | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Regina |
America/Swift_Current | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Swift Current |
America/Tegucigalpa | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time - Tegucigalpa |
America/North_Dakota/Beulah | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Beulah, North Dakota |
America/North_Dakota/Center | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Center, North Dakota |
America/Chicago | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Chicago |
America/Indiana/Knox | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Knox, Indiana |
America/Matamoros | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Matamoros |
America/Menominee | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Menominee |
America/North_Dakota/New_Salem | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - New Salem, North Dakota |
America/Ojinaga | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Ojinaga |
America/Rankin_Inlet | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Rankin Inlet |
America/Resolute | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Resolute |
America/Indiana/Tell_City | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Tell City, Indiana |
America/Rainy_River | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Winnipeg |
America/Winnipeg | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Winnipeg |
Pacific/Galapagos | -360 | (GMT-06:00) Galapagos Time |
America/Eirunepe | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Acre Standard Time - Eirunepe |
America/Rio_Branco | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Acre Standard Time - Rio Branco |
America/Bogota | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Colombia Standard Time |
America/Havana | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Cuba Time |
Pacific/Easter | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Easter Island Time |
America/Cancun | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Standard Time - Cancún |
America/Jamaica | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Standard Time - Jamaica |
America/Panama | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Standard Time - Panama |
America/Detroit | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Detroit |
America/Grand_Turk | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Grand Turk |
America/Indiana/Indianapolis | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Indianapolis |
America/Iqaluit | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Iqaluit |
America/Pangnirtung | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Iqaluit |
America/Kentucky/Louisville | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Louisville |
America/Indiana/Marengo | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Marengo, Indiana |
America/Kentucky/Monticello | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Monticello, Kentucky |
America/New_York | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - New York |
America/Indiana/Petersburg | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Petersburg, Indiana |
America/Port-au-Prince | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Port-au-Prince |
America/Nipigon | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Toronto |
America/Thunder_Bay | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Toronto |
America/Toronto | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Toronto |
America/Indiana/Vevay | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Vevay, Indiana |
America/Indiana/Vincennes | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Vincennes, Indiana |
America/Indiana/Winamac | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - Winamac, Indiana |
America/Guayaquil | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Ecuador Time |
America/Lima | -300 | (GMT-05:00) Peru Standard Time |
America/Boa_Vista | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Amazon Standard Time - Boa Vista |
America/Campo_Grande | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Amazon Standard Time - Campo Grande |
America/Cuiaba | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Amazon Standard Time - Cuiaba |
America/Manaus | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Amazon Standard Time - Manaus |
America/Porto_Velho | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Amazon Standard Time - Porto Velho |
America/Barbados | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Standard Time - Barbados |
America/Martinique | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Standard Time - Martinique |
America/Puerto_Rico | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Standard Time - Puerto Rico |
America/Santo_Domingo | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Standard Time - Santo Domingo |
Atlantic/Bermuda | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time - Bermuda |
America/Glace_Bay | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time - Glace Bay |
America/Goose_Bay | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time - Goose Bay |
America/Halifax | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time - Halifax |
America/Moncton | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time - Moncton |
America/Thule | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time - Thule |
America/La_Paz | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Bolivia Time |
America/Guyana | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Guyana Time |
America/Caracas | -240 | (GMT-04:00) Venezuela Time |
America/St_Johns | -210 | (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland Time |
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - Buenos Aires |
America/Argentina/Catamarca | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - Catamarca |
America/Argentina/Cordoba | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - Cordoba |
America/Argentina/Jujuy | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - Jujuy |
America/Argentina/La_Rioja | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - La Rioja |
America/Argentina/Mendoza | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - Mendoza |
America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - Rio Gallegos |
America/Argentina/Salta | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - Salta |
America/Argentina/San_Juan | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - San Juan |
America/Argentina/San_Luis | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - San Luis |
America/Argentina/Tucuman | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - Tucuman |
America/Argentina/Ushuaia | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Argentina Standard Time - Ushuaia |
America/Araguaina | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Brasilia Standard Time - Araguaina |
America/Bahia | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Brasilia Standard Time - Bahia |
America/Belem | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Brasilia Standard Time - Belem |
America/Fortaleza | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Brasilia Standard Time - Fortaleza |
America/Maceio | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Brasilia Standard Time - Maceio |
America/Recife | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Brasilia Standard Time - Recife |
America/Santarem | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Brasilia Standard Time - Santarem |
America/Sao_Paulo | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Brasilia Standard Time - Sao Paulo |
America/Santiago | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Chile Time |
Atlantic/Stanley | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Falkland Islands Standard Time |
America/Cayenne | -180 | (GMT-03:00) French Guiana Time |
Antarctica/Palmer | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Palmer Time |
America/Asuncion | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Paraguay Time |
America/Punta_Arenas | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Punta Arenas Time |
Antarctica/Rothera | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Rothera Time |
America/Miquelon | -180 | (GMT-03:00) St. Pierre & Miquelon Time |
America/Paramaribo | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Suriname Time |
America/Montevideo | -180 | (GMT-03:00) Uruguay Standard Time |
America/Noronha | -120 | (GMT-02:00) Fernando de Noronha Standard Time |
Atlantic/South_Georgia | -120 | (GMT-02:00) South Georgia Time |
America/Nuuk | -120 | (GMT-02:00) West Greenland Time |
Atlantic/Azores | -60 | (GMT-01:00) Azores Time |
Atlantic/Cape_Verde | -60 | (GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Standard Time |
America/Scoresbysund | -60 | (GMT-01:00) East Greenland Time |
UTC | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
Etc/GMT | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time |
Africa/Abidjan | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time - Abidjan |
Africa/Bissau | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time - Bissau |
America/Danmarkshavn | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time - Danmarkshavn |
Africa/Monrovia | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time - Monrovia |
Atlantic/Reykjavik | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time - Reykjavik |
Africa/Sao_Tome | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time - São Tomé |
Europe/Dublin | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Ireland Time |
Antarctica/Troll | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Troll Time |
Europe/London | 0 | (GMT+00:00) United Kingdom Time |
Atlantic/Canary | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Western European Time - Canary |
Atlantic/Faroe | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Western European Time - Faroe |
Europe/Lisbon | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Western European Time - Lisbon |
Atlantic/Madeira | 0 | (GMT+00:00) Western European Time - Madeira |
Africa/Algiers | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Standard Time - Algiers |
Africa/Tunis | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Standard Time - Tunis |
Europe/Amsterdam | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Amsterdam |
CET | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - CET |
Europe/Andorra | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Andorra |
Europe/Belgrade | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Belgrade |
Europe/Berlin | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Berlin |
Europe/Brussels | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Brussels |
Europe/Budapest | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Budapest |
Africa/Ceuta | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Ceuta |
Europe/Copenhagen | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Copenhagen |
Europe/Gibraltar | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Gibraltar |
Europe/Luxembourg | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Luxembourg |
Europe/Madrid | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Madrid |
Europe/Malta | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Malta |
Europe/Monaco | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Monaco |
Europe/Oslo | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Oslo |
Europe/Paris | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Paris |
Europe/Prague | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Prague |
Europe/Rome | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Rome |
Europe/Stockholm | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Stockholm |
Europe/Tirane | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Tirane |
Europe/Vienna | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Vienna |
Europe/Warsaw | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Warsaw |
Europe/Zurich | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Central European Time - Zurich |
Africa/Casablanca | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Morocco Time |
Africa/Lagos | 60 | (GMT+01:00) West Africa Standard Time - Lagos |
Africa/Ndjamena | 60 | (GMT+01:00) West Africa Standard Time - Ndjamena |
Africa/El_Aaiun | 60 | (GMT+01:00) Western Sahara Time |
Africa/Juba | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Central Africa Time - Juba |
Africa/Khartoum | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Central Africa Time - Khartoum |
Africa/Maputo | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Central Africa Time - Maputo |
Africa/Windhoek | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Central Africa Time - Windhoek |
Europe/Kaliningrad | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Standard Time - |
Africa/Tripoli | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Standard Time - Tripoli |
Europe/Athens | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Athens |
Asia/Beirut | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Beirut |
Europe/Bucharest | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Bucharest |
Africa/Cairo | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Cairo |
Europe/Chisinau | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Chisinau |
Asia/Gaza | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Gaza |
Asia/Hebron | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Hebron |
Europe/Helsinki | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Helsinki |
Europe/Kiev | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Kyiv |
Europe/Uzhgorod | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Uzhgorod |
Europe/Zaporozhye | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Zaporozhye |
Asia/Nicosia | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Nicosia |
Europe/Riga | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Riga |
Europe/Sofia | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Sofia |
Europe/Tallinn | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Tallinn |
Europe/Vilnius | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time - Vilnius |
Asia/Famagusta | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Famagusta Time |
Asia/Jerusalem | 120 | (GMT+02:00) Israel Time |
Africa/Johannesburg | 120 | (GMT+02:00) South Africa Standard Time |
Asia/Baghdad | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Arabian Standard Time - Baghdad |
Asia/Qatar | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Arabian Standard Time - Qatar |
Asia/Riyadh | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Arabian Standard Time - Riyadh |
Africa/Nairobi | 180 | (GMT+03:00) East Africa Time |
Asia/Amman | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Jordan Time |
Europe/Kirov | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Kirov Time |
Europe/Minsk | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Moscow Standard Time - Minsk |
Europe/Moscow | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Moscow Standard Time - Moscow |
Europe/Simferopol | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Moscow Standard Time - Simferopol |
Asia/Damascus | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Syria Time |
Europe/Istanbul | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Türkiye Time |
Europe/Volgograd | 180 | (GMT+03:00) Volgograd Standard Time |
Asia/Tehran | 210 | (GMT+03:30) Iran Standard Time |
Asia/Yerevan | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Armenia Standard Time |
Europe/Astrakhan | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Astrakhan Time |
Asia/Baku | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Azerbaijan Standard Time |
Asia/Tbilisi | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Georgia Standard Time |
Asia/Dubai | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Gulf Standard Time |
Indian/Mauritius | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Mauritius Standard Time |
Indian/Reunion | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Réunion Time |
Europe/Samara | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Samara Standard Time |
Europe/Saratov | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Saratov Time |
Indian/Mahe | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Seychelles Time |
Europe/Ulyanovsk | 240 | (GMT+04:00) Ulyanovsk Time |
Asia/Kabul | 270 | (GMT+04:30) Afghanistan Time |
Indian/Kerguelen | 300 | (GMT+05:00) French Southern & Antarctic Time |
Indian/Maldives | 300 | (GMT+05:00) Maldives Time |
Antarctica/Mawson | 300 | (GMT+05:00) Mawson Time |
Asia/Karachi | 300 | (GMT+05:00) Pakistan Standard Time |
Asia/Dushanbe | 300 | (GMT+05:00) Tajikistan Time |
Asia/Ashgabat | 300 | (GMT+05:00) Turkmenistan Standard Time |
Asia/Samarkand | 300 | (GMT+05:00) Uzbekistan Standard Time - Samarkand |
Asia/Tashkent | 300 | (GMT+05:00) Uzbekistan Standard Time - Tashkent |
Asia/Aqtau | 300 | (GMT+05:00) West Kazakhstan Time - Aqtau |
Asia/Aqtobe | 300 | (GMT+05:00) West Kazakhstan Time - Aqtobe |
Asia/Atyrau | 300 | (GMT+05:00) West Kazakhstan Time - Atyrau |
Asia/Oral | 300 | (GMT+05:00) West Kazakhstan Time - Oral |
Asia/Qyzylorda | 300 | (GMT+05:00) West Kazakhstan Time - Qyzylorda |
Asia/Yekaterinburg | 300 | (GMT+05:00) Yekaterinburg Standard Time |
Asia/Colombo | 330 | (GMT+05:30) India Standard Time - Colombo |
Asia/Kolkata | 330 | (GMT+05:30) India Standard Time - Kolkata |
Asia/Kathmandu | 345 | (GMT+05:45) Nepal Time |
Asia/Dhaka | 360 | (GMT+06:00) Bangladesh Standard Time |
Asia/Thimphu | 360 | (GMT+06:00) Bhutan Time |
Asia/Almaty | 360 | (GMT+06:00) East Kazakhstan Time - Almaty |
Asia/Qostanay | 360 | (GMT+06:00) East Kazakhstan Time - Kostanay |
Indian/Chagos | 360 | (GMT+06:00) Indian Ocean Time |
Asia/Bishkek | 360 | (GMT+06:00) Kyrgyzstan Time |
Asia/Omsk | 360 | (GMT+06:00) Omsk Standard Time |
Asia/Urumqi | 360 | (GMT+06:00) Urumqi Time |
Antarctica/Vostok | 360 | (GMT+06:00) Vostok Time |
Indian/Cocos | 390 | (GMT+06:30) Cocos Islands Time |
Asia/Yangon | 390 | (GMT+06:30) Myanmar Time |
Asia/Barnaul | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Barnaul Time |
Indian/Christmas | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Christmas Island Time |
Antarctica/Davis | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Davis Time |
Asia/Hovd | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Hovd Standard Time |
Asia/Bangkok | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Indochina Time - Bangkok |
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Indochina Time - Ho Chi Minh City |
Asia/Krasnoyarsk | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk Standard Time - Krasnoyarsk |
Asia/Novokuznetsk | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk Standard Time - Novokuznetsk |
Asia/Novosibirsk | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Novosibirsk Standard Time |
Asia/Tomsk | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Tomsk Time |
Asia/Jakarta | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Western Indonesia Time - Jakarta |
Asia/Pontianak | 420 | (GMT+07:00) Western Indonesia Time - Pontianak |
Australia/Perth | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Australian Western Standard Time |
Asia/Brunei | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Brunei Darussalam Time |
Asia/Makassar | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Central Indonesia Time |
Asia/Macau | 480 | (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time - Macao |
Asia/Shanghai | 480 | (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time - Shanghai |
Asia/Hong_Kong | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Hong Kong Standard Time |
Asia/Irkutsk | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk Standard Time |
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Malaysia Time - Kuala Lumpur |
Asia/Kuching | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Malaysia Time - Kuching |
Asia/Manila | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Philippine Standard Time |
Asia/Singapore | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Singapore Standard Time |
Asia/Taipei | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Taipei Standard Time |
Asia/Choibalsan | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Ulaanbaatar Standard Time - Choibalsan |
Asia/Ulaanbaatar | 480 | (GMT+08:00) Ulaanbaatar Standard Time - Ulaanbaatar |
Australia/Eucla | 525 | (GMT+08:45) Australian Central Western Standard Time |
Asia/Dili | 540 | (GMT+09:00) East Timor Time |
Asia/Jayapura | 540 | (GMT+09:00) Eastern Indonesia Time |
Asia/Tokyo | 540 | (GMT+09:00) Japan Standard Time |
Asia/Pyongyang | 540 | (GMT+09:00) Korean Standard Time - Pyongyang |
Asia/Seoul | 540 | (GMT+09:00) Korean Standard Time - Seoul |
Pacific/Palau | 540 | (GMT+09:00) Palau Time |
Asia/Chita | 540 | (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk Standard Time - Chita |
Asia/Khandyga | 540 | (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk Standard Time - Khandyga |
Asia/Yakutsk | 540 | (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk Standard Time - Yakutsk |
Australia/Darwin | 570 | (GMT+09:30) Australian Central Standard Time |
Australia/Brisbane | 600 | (GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time - Brisbane |
Australia/Lindeman | 600 | (GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time - Lindeman |
Pacific/Guam | 600 | (GMT+10:00) Chamorro Standard Time |
Pacific/Chuuk | 600 | (GMT+10:00) Chuuk Time |
Pacific/Port_Moresby | 600 | (GMT+10:00) Papua New Guinea Time |
Asia/Ust-Nera | 600 | (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok Standard Time - Ust-Nera |
Asia/Vladivostok | 600 | (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok Standard Time - Vladivostok |
Australia/Adelaide | 630 | (GMT+10:30) Central Australia Time - Adelaide |
Australia/Broken_Hill | 630 | (GMT+10:30) Central Australia Time - Broken Hill |
Pacific/Bougainville | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Bougainville Time |
Antarctica/Casey | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Casey Time |
Australia/Hobart | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Eastern Australia Time - Hobart |
Antarctica/Macquarie | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Eastern Australia Time - Macquarie |
Australia/Melbourne | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Eastern Australia Time - Melbourne |
Australia/Sydney | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Eastern Australia Time - Sydney |
Pacific/Kosrae | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Kosrae Time |
Australia/Lord_Howe | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Lord Howe Time |
Asia/Magadan | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Magadan Standard Time |
Pacific/Noumea | 660 | (GMT+11:00) New Caledonia Standard Time |
Pacific/Pohnpei | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Ponape Time |
Asia/Sakhalin | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Sakhalin Standard Time |
Pacific/Guadalcanal | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Solomon Islands Time |
Asia/Srednekolymsk | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Srednekolymsk Time |
Pacific/Efate | 660 | (GMT+11:00) Vanuatu Standard Time |
Asia/Anadyr | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Anadyr Standard Time |
Pacific/Fiji | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Fiji Standard Time |
Pacific/Tarawa | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Gilbert Islands Time |
Pacific/Kwajalein | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Marshall Islands Time - Kwajalein |
Pacific/Majuro | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Marshall Islands Time - Majuro |
Pacific/Nauru | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Nauru Time |
Pacific/Norfolk | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Norfolk Island Time |
Asia/Kamchatka | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Standard Time |
Pacific/Funafuti | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Tuvalu Time |
Pacific/Wake | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Wake Island Time |
Pacific/Wallis | 720 | (GMT+12:00) Wallis & Futuna Time |
Pacific/Apia | 780 | (GMT+13:00) Apia Standard Time |
Pacific/Auckland | 780 | (GMT+13:00) New Zealand Time |
Pacific/Kanton | 780 | (GMT+13:00) Phoenix Islands Time |
Pacific/Fakaofo | 780 | (GMT+13:00) Tokelau Time |
Pacific/Tongatapu | 780 | (GMT+13:00) Tonga Standard Time |
Pacific/Chatham | 825 | (GMT+13:45) Chatham Time |
Pacific/Kiritimati | 840 | (GMT+14:00) Line Islands Time |