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How to install pixels: Wordpress

Set up segment and conversion tracking on your Wordpress website

Match2One avatar
Written by Match2One
Updated over 4 years ago

Tracking pixels are added to your store in order to track visitors and customers purchasing from you. Match2One provides two different pixels that are easily installed on your WordPress website.

Conversion pixel
Conversion pixels are typically used on the order status page, which is the page that confirms that the customer has created an order.

Segment pixel
Segment pixels are used on all pages of the website in order to track your visitors.

Install the Match2One Conversion pixel:

1. Go to your Match2One account and in the 'Tracking' section copy your unique conversion script. Remember to uncheck the 'Add script with order value...' box.

2. Go to Plugins > ''Add new'' in your Admin Panel and search for the ''Tracking Code Manager'' plugin, then activate this.

3. Open the ''Tracking Code Manager'' through your ''Settings'' menu.

4. Go to "Add New Script" and paste in the Match2One conversion pixel in the black box.

5. Change the settings in the boxes below. If you are using WooCommerce, choose that option. Hit ''Save''.

6. Allow up to 3 hours before our platform recognises your pixels

7. Voila! Your Conversion pixel is firing!

Install the Match2One Segment pixel

You can also use the same steps above, but choose to place the script on all pages instead.

1. Go to your Match2One account and in the 'Tracking' section copy your unique segment script. Remember to check the 'Use a JavaScript' box.

2. Go to Appearance > Editor in your Admin Panel

3.  From there, you can view your Templates, followed by php files. Select the header.php, paste the Match2One pixel code directly after <head> and before the <body> tag

4. Allow up to 3 hours before our platform recognises your pixels

5. Voila! Your segment pixel is firing!

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