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Site Audiences
Malgorzata Pietruszka avatar
Written by Malgorzata Pietruszka
Updated over a week ago

With the implementation of the new cookieless Match2One pixels, we've also introduced audience creation and targeting. This means you can segment your pixel audience using defined rules and then target these accordingly in your campaign.

Depending on the campaign type, you will see one or two options under the new 'Site Audiences' settings in your Campaign Manager:

Exclude audience

For campaign types focused on getting new users to get interested in your brand or products, prospecting and contextual, you might want to exclude existing audiences you don't want to showcase your ads to - for example, users that already converted on your website (existing clients).

Excluding audiences is optional for all campaign types.

Include audience

With the new 'Site Audiences' selectors, you can define your target audience precisely by including or excluding specific user segments (audiences).

For retargeting campaigns, in addition to excluding audiences, you will be required to select at least one audience to target. This will inform our platform which audience you want to reach specifically.


Old cookie-based audiences will have a cookie icon next to their names; the newly created cookie-free audiences will not!

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